| 1. | You can also page through multiple records 您还可以按页翻阅多条记录。 |
| 2. | Control to enable users to page through multiple records , one at a time 控件以使用户能够按一次一条记录的方式来翻阅多条记录。 |
| 3. | If the update statement affects multiple records , to return the old and new values for each record , use the 如果update语句影响多个记录,若要返回每个记录的旧值和新值,请使用 |
| 4. | Such a utility might equate lines to records on input , but produce multiple records per line on output 这样一个实用程序可能将输入中的行视为记录,但是却在输出中的每行上产生多个记录。 |
| 5. | Control renders a single record at a time as a table and provides the capability to page through multiple records , as well as to insert , update , and delete records 控件一次呈现一条表格形式的记录,并提供翻阅多条记录以及插入、更新和删除记录的功能。 |
| 6. | Yes , you can export address information to a file and modify multiple records rather than manually modifying individual addresses in your my ups address book 是的,您可以将地址资料汇出到一个档案,并修改多个记录,而不必手工修改我的ups通讯录中的个别地址。 |
| 7. | The reward for carefully designing tables and their relationships comes when you use access to retrieve information or perform an action on multiple records at a time 在应用access检索信息或同时对多个记录执行一项操作时,就可以体现精心设计表及其关系的优势。 |
| 8. | Yes , you can export address information to a file and modify multiple records rather than manually modifying individual addresses in your my ups address book 是的,您可以将地址信息导出到一个文件,并修改多个记录,而不必手工修改您的"我的ups通讯录"中的个别地址。 |
| 9. | If the data is not sorted , the pivot transformation might generate multiple records for each value in the set key , which is the column that defines set membership 如果数据未经排序,那么透视转换就可能为设置键(即定义集成员关系的列)中的每个值生成多个记录。例如,如果对 |
| 10. | Control renders a single record at a time from a data source and provides the capability to page through multiple records , as well as to insert , update , and delete records , similar to the 控件类似,它一次呈现数据源中的一条记录,并提供翻阅多条记录以及插入、更新和删除记录的功能。 |